SDA Funding

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to capital funding provided by the NDIA for eligible participants who require specialist housing.  SDA funding is only provided for participants who meet the eligibility criteria of an extreme functional impairment and/or very high support needs. In order to receive the funding, SDA homes have to be managed by NDIA registered providers and must be enrolled and compliant against the standards. 

NDIS participants who meet the threshold for SDA eligibility receive funding in their individual plan. Participants are then able to find an enrolled SDA dwelling that meets their needs.  SDA funding is for capital only (i.e. bricks and mortar) and is not for person-to-person supports.  

Tenants will be required to make a Reasonable Rent Contribution (‘RRC’) to their SDA Provider, which will be in addition to any SDA payment from the NDIS. Rent paid by a participant will be limited to 25% of the Disability Support Pension plus Commonwealth Rent Assistance.

There are four design categories that dwellings fall under:

  • Improved liveability
  • Fully Accessible
  • Robust
  • High physical support

In response to participant feedback and the greatest unmet need, The Disability Housing Centre and SDA Smart Homes have initially focused on supplying SDA compliant group homes that will be most suitable for those with fully accessible or high-physical support needs. It is our objective at the Disability Housing Centre to be able to provide accommodation solutions to all people with disabilities. Talk to our Housing Facilitator about other ways we can support you to find suitable accommodation.